4th Grade
Fourth graders are much more confident in their art skills and start to compare their work and abilities with others. They will discover which mediums they enjoy working with most and seem most comfortable with. This age is also eager to draw anything and willing to learn many different techniques.
We will be focusing on these skills and standards:
- Learn about negative and positive space/shapes used in art
- paint/draw landscapes
- use watercolors effectively, different watercolor techniques
- identify complimentary colors, how colors create mood
- concept of proportion (figure, face, etc.), use specific conventions
- create art that focuses on the different cultures that contributed to California's history and art heritage
- create work using bilateral or radial symmetry
- use shading to transform a 2-dimentional shape into what appears to be a 3-dimentional shape
- weaving
Most importantly, we will have fun being creative and learning several different art techniques/mediums such as tempura paint, watercolor, clay, oil and chalk pastels, markers, colored pencils, printmaking and much more.
Click on the 4th Grade Gallery Tab above to see some examples of what we have been working on so far this year.